Sunday, January 22, 2017

President Donald J. Trump! How very Scary!!

It has been months since my last blog.  I guess I wanted to wait until after the election to see who won and how we all would be affected.  Well the worst possible thing has happened and Donald J. Trump is our new POTUS.  

How is it possible for the Electoral College to take the election away from the real winner of the popular vote, Hillary Clinton?  This has got to change. She won by nearly 3 million votes and really should be our president. 

Now we are stuck with this lying, bullying, bragging lout in the our White House.  He lies at every turn and yesterday, on his first full day as President of the United States, went to CIA headquarters and lied to 300 employees lied about his war with the intelligence community. His tweets and on camera statements bare this out that it was he that started this war with them and not the press!  The press merely reported what he tweeted and said on camera!

Trump wants to steal President Obama's legacy and undo everything he accomplished in his time in office.  But is not Trump that I am really worried about, but rather the Republican Congress that now have control of this legislature.  These people are truly insane, in my humble opinion!!!  If they have their way, and right now they do, they will turn back the clock to a time that was not good for this country.  A time before civil rights and women's and worker's rights as well! 

After the Women's March on Washington on January 21st, 2017, it gives me a ray of hope that these rights will not go way without a fierce fight from We The People!!  For Now Is The Time For All Good Men and Women To Protect Our Way Of Live From The Barbarians At The Gate!  
More later