Friday, February 26, 2016

Watching Chris Matthews!

Last evening I tuned in to watch Chris Matthews interview Berne Sanders.  It turned out the Mr. Matthews "grilling" Senator Sanders and not interview him.  Many of us watching, I'm sure, were wondering if Matthews was working for Fox (almost news) instead of MSNBC. 
Now, I realize that MSNBC has become more conservative lately, but this was ridiculous to say the least. I wanted to ask Chris Matthews who's side are you on?  GEEZE!  Tonight Matthews admitted that he was a bit rough on Sanders, but said that "it's my job".  Well you can ask anything you want to ask, but at least let Bernie answer without interruption.  Though Matthews loves to interrupt people almost continually on his show. He will ask a question of a guest and then interrupt his guests before they can even get started answering his question.  I guess he thinks he always needs to elaborate on his question or starts answering his own questions first. So then why ask a question in the first place?  Why have any guests on your show at all?  Just spend the entire hour editorializing and listening to yourself talk. 

Now don't get me wrong, I like to watch Hardball with Chris Matthews and I watch nearly every single night and I will continue to do so, but Matthews needs to reel it in a bit when he interviews Bernie.  It is so obvious that Matthews is a huge fan of Hillary Clinton's and it showed big time last night.  I think Matthews needs to try to be more impartial and give equal treatment to each candidate.  What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Right?

He kept hitting Bernie on how all of his plans need to be approved in Congress, like everything Hillary wants to do doesn't.  Bernie kept trying to tell Matthews that he, Matthews, is thinking from inside the beltway, meaning the Washington D.C. political arena.  Bernie said that he wants to change the way our government works and get it back to one vote for one person. Get it back from the way it is now where the big banks, Wall Street and the huge corporations can buy elections now thanks to the Citizen United decision by the conservative leaning US Supreme Court in 2010.  The worst decision ever made in modern times by the Supreme Court!  It is disastrous for our democracy.

I agree with Bernie Sanders.  Nothing will change in our election system unless someone stands up to change the way things are done.  Bernie Sanders stands up for us, the working class  and the underprivileged in our country, each and every day. He wants to start a political revolution to unseat the politicians who are bought and paid for by the big money entities currently in power. 
Like Bernie said, nothing worthwhile every changed without revolution and the average citizens of this county standing up and making one hell of a noise to make their point. Bernie knows that he can't get anything done unless he gets the support of Congress, and neither can Hillary Clinton or any other president.  So he is asking us to not stop by electing him or Hillary president, but to get out the vote every two years when Congressional seats are up for election.  We need to have control of the Congress to help our president make the changes we need to make life better for all Americans.  The upper 1% in this country has had it their way for the last 35 years since the time of Ronald Regan. Isn't it time that the pendulum swings back the other way for a change?

What do you think?

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Republicans in Las Vegas!

How very appropriate that the Republican caucus is taking place tonight in Nevada.  Because if one of these clown candidates somehow get elected, we will certainly be gambling with our future as a country.  Trump is an egotistical maniac, Cruz is a religious zealot who confessed in and interview years ago that his goal in life is world domination,  and Rubio is a programmed robot who can't function without memorized talking points and is a definitive war hawk. If either he or Cruz gets elected, our country will continue to be in a constant state of war.

I am by no means a  supporter of Donald Trump, but if I had to choose between him, Cruz or Rubio, I would rather see Trump in office.  Why? Because I think that the Donald has some  Democratic  ideas and is more progressive than conservative than the other two leading candidates.  But I don't think we will have to worry about that happening because I think that American voters are, in most cases, smarter than that.

But it is starting to look like Trump is the likely Republican nominee. If he wins Nevada tonight, the pundits and talking heads say he will be unstoppable.  That doesn't mean that Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton wouldn't crush him in the general election this coming November. God help us if they can't! He has been getting about 35% of the votes so far in the Republican caucuses and primary elections so far.  The Democratic candidates are receiving around 50% each of the votes.  That is a huge margin in favor of the Democrats, and isn't that wonderful?  Well it is for me.
Anyway, it will be the most interesting presidential election to watch in decades. I am 65 years old as of this post, and I can't remember any previous election that has been more interesting in my lifetime. I think that if Trump is the Republican nominee, many of the establishment Republican voters may cross over to the Democratic side because they just couldn't stomach Trump as POTUS!

The great thing about all of this being so interesting is that it seems to be getting the attention of many new and young voters. Especially thanks to the campaigns of Bernie Sanders and Donald J. Trump, the anti-establishment candidates in this election cycle.  Now that we have garnered the attention of these new voters, we can only hope that they educate themselves by listening to the issues being discussed by the various candidates before going to the polls in November.  Vote for whoever you want, but by all means, show up and VOTE!

What do you think? Your comments are welcome!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

After Nevada Caucases!

What really drives me crazy is how Cruz and Rubio keep giving victory speeches after amazing losses to Trump. Since when did losing become a win???  I am no fan of Trump, but he should be given his due  A win is a win after all!  In my opinion, all these Republicans are morons and egotistical maniacs.  Enough said about that!!

I have said that I am a Bernie supporter and I still am.  He did well in Nevada last night but came up a little short against Hillary in a state that she had pretty well wrapped up, but still only lost by 5 points. He was down by 25 points in Nevada at the beginning of his campaign, so that ain't bad!  As Bernie stated this morning on MTP, Hillary was in Nevada in 2008 and had a head start there.  She is also way ahead in South Carolina, but that state has a large black population who have heavily supported the Clintons in the past. 

I think that Bernie will do well on  super Tuesday on March 1st. The pundits give Bernie a very good chance of evening the playing field on that date and on March 15th when there is another multi-state primary race. GO BERNIE!!!

For you Hillary supporters out there, please remember that she has been pushed way to the left of center because of Bernie Sanders and his positions in this race.  She is even using parts of his talking points, points that he has been making for the last 40 years.  That means she is basically flip flopping on these important issues, not "evolving" as she spins it. Her change of policy on gay marriage to site just one. First she was against it, and now she is for it.  FLIPFLOP!!! She is just saying what we want to hear and hoping no one calls her out on it. I just do not trust Hillary when it comes to the Wall Street and big banks pouring money into her campaign.

She won't release the transcripts of her speeches she made for Goldman Saks totaling 675,000.00 alone. What is she hiding? I just did a little research and found that Hillary was made $2.95 million dollars between 2013 to 2015 from Wall street and the big banks. That is way more money than most people earn in a lifetime and she made it in only two years!  I believe that she won't release the transcripts because of what she said  in them.  After all, is she going to give speeches telling these establishment institutions that she is going to break up the banks and tighten regulations on Wall Street while they are paying her these huge speaking fees?  I don't think so!  Instead it would make sense that she was promising to at the least maintain the status quo, not to seek any legislation that they wouldn't like if she is elected.  

I heard Hillary say in a recent Democratic town hall meeting that when she accepted those speaking fees, that she wasn't sure if she was going to be running for POTUS.  I find that very hard to believe and I'm quite sure I am not alone on that.  She quit her job as Secretary of State after only four years so she could get ready for her run. Every one who follows politics knows that. The Clintons don't do anything on a whim.  They plan things out years in advance, as they should if they want to be successful. I have to give them that.  But then don't expect us to believe the opposite.  Again, I just don't trust Hillary! 

I am very disappointed that Bernie Sanders doesn't get more coverage on MSNBC, CNN and FOX almost news. It is still very early in the primary contests through out the country and way too early to call a definitive winner.  I think that Bernie has an up hill fight, but that is how it was when he started when he announced his candidacy and he is doing still above all expectations.  I have to also note  that the personalities on MSNBC, which used to be much more progressive, have been obvious about the fact that they are in favor of Hillary.  I guess that they are only human and it is hard to remain neutral.  But maybe they should try harder to be more balanced in their comments.

When all is said and done,  I will support either Bernie or Hillary whoever wins the nomination at the Democratic National Convention this July in Philadelphia.  I think both of them would make a great POTUS and we cannot afford to let the White House fall into the hands of these moronic and egotistical Republican candidates!

What's on your mind?

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Why Not Go For It??

Ok, the way I see it is that with Bernie Sanders, we at least have a chance to get real change in our election process among many other things.
Hillary Clinton has many of the same ultimate goals that Bernie has, but it seems that she wants to take things in incremental steps, where Bernie Sanders wants to get things accomplished right away.

Many pundits or "talking heads" seen on television have said that Bernie doesn't have a chance of getting campaign finance reform done so we shouldn't waste our time voting for him. We shouldn't vote for someone who has no chance of getting his agenda through. But I ask how do we know what is possible or impossible if nobody ever has the guts to try? 

People that ask for change have always been fought at every turn by opposing forces way back to the American Revolution!  Those brave patriots were going up against unsurmountable odds but eventually prevailed.  They wanted their freedom from oppression and unfair taxing from Great Britain.

Well now as I see it, the upper 1% is our current day Great Britain.  The Republicans want to overturn every safety net that the Democrats have fought for and won since the New Deal went into effect in the 1930's. They want to do away with Medicare and they want to privatize Social Security and turn those funds over to their Wall Street buddies and let them gamble with the future of our senior citizens who depend on what little they get from that system the way it is.   They want to do away with labor unions so that the working class have to work for far less wages and benefits than they enjoyed since the 1940's post World War II era.  The Republicans say that a minimum wage of $7.25 per hour is ample and that a raise to $15.00 per hour would be a job killer.  Studies done in several cities like Seattle, WA have proven them wrong.  It has actually improved the economy a great deal since it has been put into effect.  Workers their have a chance of a better life now that they can earn a living wage.  We can't let that happen. We need change right now.

So I wonder if the time isn't right for the kind of changes Bernie Sanders wants to implement, then when is it the right time? 

What do you think?

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Last night I saw South Carolina Senator Francis Underwood kill reporter Zoe Barnes by pushing her in front of a train.  Oh that's right, that isn't real. It was in season one of  House of Cards. I recently subscribed to Netflix and started binge watching HOC!  Great show, but it really makes me stop and think what this show is based on.

How many people that watch this show on a regular basis actually believe that this sort of thing really goes on in our own political system? Could the kind of  behavior actually happen in Washington D.C.?  Well probably not to the point of murder, but there have been a few  scandals that happen from time to time in that town.  To think that one member of the House of Representatives could cause so much havoc in his own selfish quest to power is and awesome thing to behold. Not in a good way, of course.

I am disappointed that it is the Democrats in this story that are depicted in this soap opera style story.  It should be the Republicans, especially during this election cycle.  Just think how these candidates speak to each other on national television. Imagine what goes on when they are not in the public eye.  How crazy is it this year???

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Yesterday I was listening to our local progressive radio station in this area. WCPT in Chicago.  I remember the host, Dick Kay, saying that he didn't believe that President Obama would have to worry about appointing a new Supreme Court Justice before the end of his last year in office.

Surprise!  Later that evening we all learned about the death of Justice Antonin Scalia at a ranch in Texas. It is said that he died in his sleep, the lucky man!  I'm sure that we all give our sympathies to his family as we would to anyone's family.  That said, his death creates an opportunity for the Democrats to fill his shoes with a justice that sees things more their way, a left leaning justice.  Who can blame us for trying? 

So right away the Republicans come out and say that no matter who President Obama nominates, they will block it in hopes that it will be delayed until after the November 2016 presidential election.  Over their "dead body"!  Pun intended!

I think that this stinks to high heaven!!!  Just like the Republican party to take their ball and go home if they can't get their way about, " whatever"!  It is the constitutional right and duty of any sitting President of the United States to nominate a justice to replace any justice that retires or dies.  It is also the duty of the Congress to have hearings on the candidacy of said nominee!  If they don't allow these hearing to take place, they are not playing by the rules.  But what is new with that for the Republicans??? 

The Republican party should do their duty and consider any nominees that President Obama puts before them. And if they find no good reason for that nominee not to be seated, then it is their duty to confirm him or her to the country's highest court.

What do you think?

Friday, February 12, 2016

Welcome to my new blog.  I am not a professional writer at all, so please forgive any grammar mistakes that I may make. 

I am leaning very hard toward voting for Bernie Sanders in the Illinois primary coming up on March 15th.  I started this blog to try to explain why I am going to vote for Senator Sanders and not for Hillary Clinton. 

I believe Senator Sanders has the right ideas on how to get our democratic process back from  the upper 1% of wage earners in this country.  It should be one vote for one person and not the system we have now thanks to Citizen's United where large corporations can donate any amount of money to a politician, thusly buying elections.

Bernie Sanders has no super pak and doesn't not want one. He is depending solely on the support of the middle class, working class and the poor of this country for his only campaign contributions.  That is the way it should be.

Unlike Senator Sanders, Hillary Clinton has a Superpak and has taken many millions of dollars worth of contributions from Wall Street  and the big banks such as Goldman Saks. How can we trust her to do the will of the people when she clearly is in the pocket of the Wall Street bankers?  I don't believe that she can do it. Why would Wall street want to throw millions of dollars at a candidate unless they expected that candidate to lean towards seeing things there way in the future?

Hillary Clinton is the establishment, meaning to me that if she is elected to the presidency, she will do little to change anything from what President Obama has accomplished.  Senator Sanders wants total and real change from the status quo and I believe that with the help of the ordinary voting public, he will be able to do just that.

I am an independent voter but I have voted for Democratic candidates for the past 10 years.  I am considering registering as a Democrat in the near future.

In the event Hillary Clinton is our nominee, I will definitely support her and vote for her as I know she is much better than any of the Republican candidates running for president.

I would appreciate your input on this blog.