Friday, March 11, 2016


Since when is it an "entitlement" when you pay for something your entire working life? Oh how I hate it when I hear that word the way the Republicans use it.  They say it like we seniors are all freeloaders!  We are "entitled" to this money as we have paid into this fund all of our working lives.  The Republicans want to privatize Social Security, meaning that the funds in this account would be given to Wall St. and let them gamble with the money.  BAD IDEA??? Remember the crash of 2007! That's just one example of how Wall St. can screw things up!  The Republicans also want to raise the retirement age to 68 years old. That's easy for them to say because they don't do physical labor for a living.  I believe they wouldn't like that if they were working construction jobs or a job where you have to be on your feet all day long when you are 68 years old. I am only 65 years old and I wouldn't be able to do that sort of work at this age if my life depended  on it. 

Same way with Medicare. The Republicans want to get rid of Medicare and Medicaid. Apparently we need to be punished for living longer than they expected.  Instead of being in a constant state of war, take those billions of dollars and do something for our seniors and the poor in this country. Social Security payments should be at least doubled for our seniors and then give us annual cost of living adjustments to boot.  There are many of us in this generation that don't have fat pensions to supplement our Social Security like our parents had.  The Republicans always say that there is no money for this, but they always find money to go to war. There is no limit there because weapons of war are produced by their billionaire campaign contributors and we all know that war is good business for them.

If more money is needed to keep these programs solvent far into the future, why not raise the cap on Social Security?  Then the rich would have to pay on their entire income for the year like people in our tax bracket do.  This would add billions of dollars per year into Social Security. 

It seems to me that if the wealthy and the big corporations in this country were made to pay their fare share of income tax there would be enough money to fund these programs for a very long time.  What do you think?

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