Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The "Donald" !!

There are many people out there in this country that are Trump supporters.  Well good luck with that. He has put forth many weird ideas about things he wants to do for this country, but has yet to come up with one way to do any of them. Well except to say that he will surround himself with many good people who know how to negotiate and get things done.  He hasn't named any of those people yet as far as I know. And oh yes, Mr. Trump has "Good Words". That really makes me want to see him as the most powerful man on the face of the earth.

Mr. Trump is no idiot, far from it, but neither am I or you, most likely, but that doesn't qualify us to become a great President of the United States of  America.  But how did he just become the Republican presumptive nominee last night.  He basically promised the "world with a fence around it" to a bunch of low information and bigoted (in most cases)  voters who are really fed up with the way Washington runs. And who can blame them.  His slogan,"Make America Great Again", has captured the minds of many of his followers. Many of his supporters simply voted for him because he is a famous person that had a hit television show for many years.  That is enough for most of them, I guess.

Do any of you blog readers out there remember the movie Network? I just checked and found out that it came out in 1976.  It featured a character named Howard Beale, played to perfection by Peter Finch who was the network news anchor, Well one day he went off his rocker and went on the air ranting and raving saying " I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore"!!!  Well the network big wigs were going to pull the plug until the phone started ringing off the hook. Beale was telling America to go to their window and open them up and stick their heads out and yell at the top of their lungs that phrase, and they did.

I think that this is what happened with Trump. People really are that mad as hell and many are feeling hopeless and who can blame them.  Politics will never ever be the same "business as usual" entity any longer in this country. Thanks to the way Bernie Sanders has raised millions of dollars for his campaign month after month without taking any contributions from super packs or from large contributors, Bernie has shown us that their is a better way to get your point across and raise money from the little people in America.

I don't totally trust Hillary Clinton either, but she is still preferable to Donald Trump. I know in my heart of hearts that Mr. Trump doesn't have a clue about how to be President. There is no on the job training for that posistion. You have to be ready to lead this country from day one, and Trump just come with the tools. Plus their is the matter of who a President Trump would appoint to the Supreme Court. I shutter to think would would happen.  The high court would then be in a position of conservative power to be able to roll back the clock to a time when things were not so good in our country for women and labor unions just to mention a few items.

I still believe that Bernie Sanders should be the Democratic nominee. Most of the national polls show that he would beat Donald Trump in the general election in November by a much larger margin than Hillary would.  Can we really take the chance of Trump in the White House??  Hey I want to see major changes made too, but I think Bernie Sanders is the one to do it correctly. He hasn't wavered one iota on his talking points for over 40 years.  What you see with Bernie is what you get.  It would be a dirty shame if Bernie Sanders is not our Democratic nominee!
What do you think about all of this?? I would love to hear from you so please leave a comment.

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